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Poon Hill Trek Cost

Ghorepani Poon Hill Trek Cost

Do you want to learn about the real cost of Poon Hill Trek? Definitely. You do want it if you are planning your Ghorepani Poon Hill Trek in Nepal in Annapurna region.

Actually, Poon Hill Trek Cost depends on how many days Poonhill Trek Itinerary you prefer and what kind of Poon Hill Trek Package you want to have.

Poon Hill Trek Itinerary varies from 2 days to 7 days depending on the beginning point of the trek. If you want to begin it from Pokhara and want to end if up straight away just by ascending up to Poon Hill(3200m), you can do Poon Hill Trek in even 2 days from Pokhara to Pokhara. If you are planning to do it from Kathmandu by bus ride, the, it may take even 7 days or if you use domestic flight Kathmandu-Pokhara- Kathmandu, it is possible in 5 days as well. So, it ups to you which Poon Hill Trek Itinerary you really want according to your time frame and budget and the cost for Poon Hill Trek will differ accordingly.

Now, let’s come back to the topic, Poon Hill Trek Cost, again. In fact, Poon Hill Trek cost is determined by the following factors:

              1.        Accommodation Cost

              2.       Cost of the Meals

              3.       Transportation Cost

              4.       Permits Cost

              5.       Guide and Porter Cost

              6.       Extra Costs

              So, guys let’s discuss about these indicators one by one with their various dimensions. 

              Poon Hill Trek Accommodation Cost

              If you are beginning Poon Hill Trek from Kathmandu, you require paying at least two nights accommodation in Kathmandu (arrival night and departure night). If you go with 3-star accommodation in Kathmandu for two nights, one requires paying USD 55 per night per individual. So, accommodation cost for two nights in 3-star hotel for two nights will be USD 110. If you want to upgrade the accommodation in Kathmandu like: from 3* to 4* or 5*, you require paying USD 90-120 per night per individual. So, go with the accommodation type you want according to your budget. These costs are twin sharing basis and Single supplementary cost will be extra like USD 25 per night per individual. The accommodation is on the Bed and Breakfast basis. If you want to add all the meals( B,L,D), the cost will rise by USD 15 per meal.

              Another accommodation cost you need to pay for your Poon Hill Trek is for Pokhara. You are going to stay at least two nights in Pokhara. This stay in Pokhara in 3* accommodation costs USD 40-50, slightly, cheaper than in Kathmandu. And the 4* and 5* accommodation in Pokhara per night per individual costs between USD 85-105. It depends on how many nights you want to say in Pokhara with the category of the accommodation you like to go with. These costs are on the basis of two sharing accommodation and the single supplementary cost will extra and the single supplementary cost will be like USD 15-20. The accommodation will be on bed and breakfast basis. If the trekkers want to add all the meals (B, L, D), the cost will go rise by USD 15 per meal.

              Third last accommodation cost one pays during their Ghorepani-Poonhill Trek is the cost of mountain accommodation in Ulleri, Ghorepani, Tadpani and Ghandruk villages. The mountain lodge accommodation in Poon Hill Trek cost ranges between Rs 1000-1500 per night. One even can get private suite accommodation in Ghorepani and Ghandruk villages which costs Rs 2000 per night.

              Poon Hill Trek Permits Cost

              2 different trekking permits are required for Poon Hill Trek. These are TIMS Card and Annapurna Conservation Area Entry Permit. TIMS Card costs Rs. 2000 per individual trekker and ACAP costs Rs. 3000 per trekker who are entering into Annapurna Conservation Area like Poon Hill and Annapurna Base Camp. So, the total cost you need to pay for Poon Hill Trek Cost is Rs 5000. If anyone ask to pay more than Rs 5000 for Poon Hill Trek Permit Cost, please deny it. They may cheat you.

              No any other special permits are required ( only TIMS Card and ACAP) for Poon Hill  Trek  like other restricted area treks like Manaslu Circuit Trek.

              Poon Hill Trek Transportation Cost

              You can use three types of transportation for your Poon Hill Trek from Kathmandu to Pokhara and back. These three modes of transportation are: private jeep or car, luxury tourist bus and domestic flight from Kathmandu to Pokhara.

              If you go with private car or jeep drive from Kathmandu to Pokhara, it costs USD 100 one way and 5-6 people can share the jeep and maximum 3 people can share the car and the luxury tourist bus ride costs USD 15 per person. The car or jeep drive takes 5 hours and the luxury bus drive takes 6 hour to get Pokhara from Kathmandu.

              You can also use four-wheel jeep ride from Pokhara to Ulleri or Banthanti which is known as Poon Hill Jeep Ride. Instead of beginning your walk from Birethanti, you can commence your hiking to Poon Hill from Banthanti or Ulleri if you use jeep ride from Pokhara to Ulleri in your Poon Hill Trek. The sharing jeep costs USD 15 and the private jeep costs USD 100 from Pokhara to Ulleri. 

              But, if you choose going with domestic flight from Kathmandu to Pokhara, one requires paying USD 110 per individual. This flight from Kathmandu to Pokhara will last for 30 minutes.

              Poon Hill Trek Meals Cost

               Normally, one item of meal costs Rs. 300-1000 depending on what you choose to eat. You will see the food items on the menu with their costs and you are the ones who make the choice what you want to enjoy. If you go with normal vegetable item, it costs like only Rs 300-500 and if you go with meat items and other special item of meal, you need to pay Rs 800-1000 and even, sometimes, more than that.

              The breakfast is included with the cost of accommodation in all round Poon Hill Trek and you only need to find the items for your lunch and dinner. So, normally, two items of food each day ( lunch and dinner costs maximum Rs. 2500.

              Poon Hill Trek Drinks Costs

              One item of coffee costs Rs.200-300 and the tea costs Rs.150-200 during your Poon Hill Trek. The costs are similar in the cities like in Kathmandu and Pokhara and even in the mountain like Ghorepani, Tadapani and Ghandruk.

              A bottle of water costs Rs. 100-150 on the Poon Hill trekking trail and it costs Rs. 30-50 in the cities like Kathmandu and Pokhara. One bottle of beer costs Rs.500-700 in Poon Hill Trek route. The cost of cold drink like coke costs Rs.200-300 on the Ghorepani Poon Hill Trek. You may love having beer and other non-alcoholic drinks like coffee, cold drinks and tea? Right. If so, then allocate Rs1000-1500 for drinks in Poon Hill Trek.

              You can enjoy all kinds of drinks (alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks) in Ghorepani Poon Hill Trek. But, guys, the only thing you require is money…...dollars!!! Not much but just USD 10 per day for drinks.

              Extra Personal Expenses


              Tipping your guide and porter seems to be mandatory these days while travelling but it is not actually. If your trekking crew work harder for your in order to make your trip more exciting and memorable, then, you people should have a sense of kindness to tip some amount of money to your guide and porter. Yeh, it makes sense, right.

              One doesn’t require reward their guide and porter with huge amount, but still some. There is no exact tipping rule for your guide and porter. However, there are some guidelines.

              Normally, people allocate USD 5-10 each day for individual guide and porter. For example, if you hire your guide and porter for 5 days, then, they expect at least USD 50 as tip at the end of the trek. So, you are also requested to plan accordingly for tipping your guide and porter in Poon Hill Trek.

              You are recommended to allocate at least USD 50 for Poon Hill Trek as tipping cost. 

              Collecting Souvenirs

              You may have the hobby of collecting the unique antiques and other collections during the travel. In your Poon Hill Trek, one can have the opportunity of collecting souvenirs in Kathmandu, Pokhara, Ghorepani and Ghandruk. Kathmandu and Pokhara offer one a wide variety of collections of local products and some of the most historical and ancient antiques. You can get whatever you like to collect.

              And in trekking days, trekkers also can find some special items of souvenirs in Ghorepani and Ghandruk villages. You can walk around the villages like Ghandruk and Ghorepani and find the souvenir shops where you can get the special things for you, your family, relatives and special ones.

              Actually, the cost of souvenir items cannot be determined. Some are cheaper and the special items are very expensive like even one item of authentic Thanka costs USD 10000. So, allocate some budget for souvenirs collections if you like it.


              You may like to make little donations on the trail to the local area people and organizations. If you enjoy and happy to do so, you can prepare some budget for it as well.

              You know, little donation for local school, local clubs and organization will be a great help for them during your Poon Hill Trek. There are a few public schools and local organizations to help fi you are really generous to them. Actually, it’s not compulsory to make donation but still some people love doing it. And also, there is no criteria how much to donate. It’s voluntary and you can do in whatever way you want and how much you want. You can also choose not to donate any amount of money.

              Buying Accidental Trekking Equipment 

              Sometimes, trekkers doing Poon Hill Trek need buying some extra and accidental trekking equipment like hiking shoes, sleeping bag, trekking poles and other personal clothing in case they are spoiled and get broken on the trail. You should plan for this as well.

              Actually, you fix and set up every trekking equipment for Poon Hill Trek either in Kathmandu or Pokhara before you board on the Ghorepani Poon Hill Trekking Trail. Accidentally, if the trekkers lose or if the equipment gets damaged, they can hire or buy them in Ghorepani and Ghandruk villages but it will be much more costly than in Kathmandu and in Pokhara. One more important thing to remind you that the cost of trekking equipment is cheaper in Kathmandu than in Pokhara. So, it is recommended to collect and pack every trekking equipment for Poon Hill Trek in Kathmandu before you head for Pokhara.

               Extra Luxuries Cost

              Extra Luxuries Cost includes the cost of sauna, massage and other spa activities during the Poon Hill Trek. You can enjoy good sauna, massage and special spa activities in both Kathmandu and Pokhara.

              Have you ever expected that even in Ghorepani and Ghandruk villages, one can relish good massage and other spa activities? If you really seek for extra luxuries like sauna, massage and luxury spa programs, you can get them. Let your trekking operator and guide know that you require these luxuries during your Ghorepani- Poon Hill Trek and enjoy them.

              One good massage costs USD 30 in Kathmandu and Pokhara and costs USD 10-15 in Ghorepani and Ghandruk villages.

              If you want to fly to Pokhara or hire private car or jeep with full AC facility, the cost will be extra  and you require allocating budget for them too. You can also hire private jeep to go Ulleri or Ghandruk from Pokhara which will cost extra for you. The Ghorepani-Poon Hill Jeep Ride will take you to either Ulleri or Banthanti from Pokhara, Harichowk near Bindhyabasini Temple.

              Final Words

              USD 530 will be the cost of Poon Hill Trek if you go with 3* accommodation in Kathmandu and Pokhara and best available lodge in Ghorepani, Tadapani and Ghandruk with including Bed and breakfast, guide and porter, all required trekking permits and transportation in luxury tourist bus. But, if you want to upgrade the cost of accommodation like either 4* or 5* in Kathmandu and Pokhara and with extra luxuries like private accommodation and massage and domestic flights from Kathmandu to Pokhara and back to Kathmandu, you require paying USD 700-900. Therefore, it depends on your what kind of Poon Hill Trek package you want. Find your best option and enjoy it at fullest.

              Krishna Thapa
              Executive Director

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